Conservative politics, links, surprises.

You Don't Say.
Conservative politics, links, surprises. Now (2024) in its twenty-fifth year!

Picture of the Week

Photo of the week.

Of all the things a president does, what's most important? It is his (or her) decision making! Contrast the decisions Donald Trump made during his four years in office versus the decisions Kamala Harris made during the last four years (she was always the last one in the room). And then you'll vote for Donald Trump. He'll put America first. And he'll strive to make America great again! (More.)

(Source of image.)

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Website updated: Monday, October 21, 2024.
. . . .
Next update planned for Monday, November 4, 2024.

On This Page

A Few







Articles, Videos, and Songs



You Don't
Say Info


A List of My videos.

My Most Recent Video(s)

Dot "To Be or Not to Be? Illustrated." (August 2024)
Dot "The Wisdom of Kamala Harris." (July 2024.)
Dot "The Lyin' King." (July 2024.)

Philosophy of conservatives: Live and let live!

Philosophy of liberals: Comply or die!

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I've discontinued the "Quote of the Week," but you
might enjoy looking through all the quotations I've
accumulated over the years. Click on the image above.

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(A brief comment for this week.)


I was asked why I choose to vote for Donald Trump. Here's my answer.

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Covid and Related

. Dot "Are Dems Slow-Walking Hurricane Relief to Suppress an Election-Deciding Number of GOP Voters?" Wouldn't surprise me one bit!
. Dot "California Reinstates Mask Mandates Despite Ongoing Debate over Efficacy."
. Dot "Mask Mandates Reimposed?!"

Education and Propaganda

. Dot "Hallelujah! Teacher's Transgender Agenda for First-Graders BACKFIRES in Court."
. Dot "EXCLUSIVE: Migrants Overwhelming School Districts in Pennsylvania, Saddling Taxpayers with Hefty Price Tag." And it's not just Pennsylvania.

Global-Warming Nonsense and the Leftist Environmental Movement

. Dot "The Climate Change Religion Is Causing Mental Torture." That's probably part of the plan.
. Dot "Wind and Solar Cannot Replace Oil." This needs to be shouted from the roof tops.

Government Run Amuck

. Dot "Abandoned! North Carolina Residents Do What FEMA Won't."
. Dot "Federal Government Set to Pay $50k to Encourage LGBT Teen Wilderness Conservation Efforts."
. Dot "'Disaster Equity' in FEMA Meeting Resurfaces: 'We Should Focus Efforts on LGBTQIA' Victims." That would be unconstitutional.
. Dot "What the Hell Is Going on? Unmarked Military Helicopters Attack Donation Site for Hurricane Victims." Can this possibly be true?
. Dot "FEMA's DEI Crippled Hurricane Helene [& Milton] Response Because . . . Their Goal WAS NOT Disaster Management; Rather It Was 'Diversity,' 'Equity,' and 'Inclusion'."
. Dot "Government: Too Big to Fix?" (PragerU video.)
. Dot "Why Is the U.S. in the U.N.?"

Joe Biden and Family


The Media, Including Social Media

. Dot "As Empire of Lies Crumbles, Hillary Clinton Warns: 'We'll Lose Total Control' if Social Media Stops Censoring Content."

Must-Read (or Must-View or Must-Listen)

Star Star Star Star Star

(No five-star items this time.)

. Dot "'My Blood Is Boiling:' Furious Elon Musk Goes off on FEMA for Blocking SpaceX Engineers from Assisting -- FEMA Actively Seizing Shipments and Blocking Critical Goods and Services." Is this all political? How could Americans do this to Americans?
. Dot "Glenn CALLS OUT FEMA after Visiting Hurricane Helene Victims."
. Dot "Globalists Are Taking the Mask off and That's a Bad Sign . . ."


. Dot "Hurricane's Devastation of Small Town Threatens Global Semiconductor Industry."
. Dot "Peacetime Catastrophe: Naval Commander Causes Warship to Sink -- DEI Hiring to Blame?"
. Dot "Harris Touts $157M for Civilians in Lebanon while Many Helene Victims Wait for Relief."
. Dot "Migrants Enrich UK with Massive 51% Surge in HIV Cases to 15-Year High."
. Dot "The Debate around Fluoride Is Changing: What It Means for Your Drinking Water."
. Dot "James Woods Slams Kamala for Wearing $770 Belt to Tell Storm Victims She'll Toss Them $750 in Crumbs."
. Dot "Israel: What Would You Do?" (PragerU video.)
. Dot "Remember the Russian Arms Dealer We Released in Exchange for Brittney Griner? Well . . ."
. Dot "'If He Loses I'm F**ked:' Musk And Tucker Carlson Sit down for Must-Watch Interview."
. Dot "UFO Drones Are Surveilling America's Most Sensitive Military Sites -- and the Pentagon Says It Can't Stop Them."


. Dot "Tim Walz Bragged about 50 Languages in Schools, 'More Refugees Per Capita' in Minnesota."
. Dot "WATCH: Trump's New Ad Takes the Internet by STORM."
. Dot "Non-Citizen Workers Being Encouraged to Vote, Union Mailers Urge Support for Harris-Walz: Report."
. Dot "Aerial Recovery Rep. Claims National Guard Loaded up C17 for a Kamala's Helene Photo Op, Not for Victims."
. Dot "Democrats Plan to Block Trump Inauguration."
. Dot "Victor Davis Hanson Issues Dark Warning on What Dems Might Do if Trump Wins in 2024."
. Dot "BREAKING NEWS: Third Trump Assassination Attempt Thwarted!"
. Dot "Victor Davis Hanson Slams Kamala's Chances, Claims New Interviews 'Blew up' Her Campaign."
. Dot "Official Gavin Newsom Election Ad." You won't believe it. (And you shouldn't.)
. Dot "Donald Trump and J.D. Vance Are Missing from Oregon's Online List of Candidates, and Voter amphlets Do Not Include Their Biographies."
. Dot "JD Vance Exposes Harris in Explosive Plagiarism Scandal."
. Dot "HUGE: Liz Cheney Caught Red-Handed."


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SPECIAL LINKS -- A Collection
. Star Star Star Star Star

. Dot Tucker Carlson Videos on Twitter

. Dot "Tucker RIPS OPEN the Curtain on Allegedly 'Safe and Effective' COVID Vaccine and Death Rate."
. Dot "Thousands of U.S. Doctors Pedaled Covid JABS for CASH BONUSES Making Thousands of Dollars Daily while Infecting Millions of People with Clotting Spike Proteins."
. Dot "What Would I Do if Someone I Loved Was Hospitalized for COVID?"
. Dot "Covid-19." Some contrary information. (And numerous links.)
. Dot "The Covid-19 Vaccination Massacre."
. Dot "Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone."
. Dot "Remdesivir 'Disastrous' as COVID Treatment, but Government Pays Hospitals to Use It."

. Dot "J6 Hysteria Is How Media and Other Democrats Are Avoiding Accountability for Their Rigging of the 2020 Election."
. Dot "Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol." The U.S. government is lying to us. It seems clear the January 6 protest was orchestrated by Democrats to demonize Republicans, and particularly Donald Trump. The Left has used the FBI to achieve its political objectives. America cannot stand if such scandal goes unpunished.
. Dot "Tucker Drops FBI Bombshell: Jan. 6 Organizers 'Were Almost Certainly Working for the FBI'."
. Dot "The Covid Deception: The Dire Consequences of the Lack of Accountability." A few facts about Covid you'll find hard to believe.

. Dot "South Carolina Agency: The Feds Force Us to Give Voter Registration to Foreign Nationals."
. Dot "'The Most Secure Election in American History'."
. Dot "BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE: Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at the Precinct Level."
. Dot "BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE: Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment and Gives Federal Government Access to Election Systems at the Precinct Level."
. Dot "Here's How They Did It: Real-Time Election Fraud."
. Dot "Gaslighted: It's Clear Democrats Just Stole Another Election." Yes, it's absolutely clear to anyone with eyes that see and a brain that thinks.
. Dot "New Film Alleges 2020 Was Stolen, 2000 Felonies Prove It."
. Dot "Thousands of 'Ballot Mules' Delivered Tens of Thousands of Votes for Biden? NY Post Publishes Devastating Claims."
. Dot "Patrick Byrne: There's Enough Evidence to Decertify 3+ States."
. Dot "Secure the Vote -- Nothing Is More Iimportant!"
. Dot "Conservatives Buzzing after D'Souza Drops Must-See Trailer for Explosive Election Fraud Movie -- Watch."
. Dot "How the 2020 Election Was Stolen from Donald Trump."
. Dot "Rock Solid Proof of Election Fraud." Will this finally reveal all the election fraud?
. Dot "Courts Repeatedly Refused to Consider Trump's Election Claims on the Merits." There's a phrase that describes this: "Justice denied." And America's democracy may now be forever corrupted.
. Dot "Absolute Proof." Of election fraud during the November 2020 election. This is a two-hour video. I suggest you jump ahead to 1:36:17 to see the description of cyber attacks and how they affected the election outcome.
. Dot "Yes, It Was a Stolen Election." It is official: Biden did not win the election. Also: our country has been overwhelmingly corrupted by Democrats. They have thrown the idea of law and order right out the window.

. Dot "New documentary's 'Cold Truth' about Climate." This video is outstanding. It proves the entire Climate Change narrative is a total lie.
. Dot "The Climate Maniacs."
. Dot "Climate at a Glance for Teachers and Students." An excellent resource!
. Dot "The Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control." Have you even heard of Agenda 21?

. Dot "What the Great Reset Will Really Do to You, by Tom DeWeese (American Policy Center)."
. Dot "Shame of the Nation." This is an outstanding article. I hope everyone has a chance to read it. You'll learn things you didn't know. And you'll grieve for America.
. Dot "'Radicals' Are Racist Criminals." Outstanding article!
. Dot "Glenn Beck: Here's How Biden's New Finance Report Is the 'Most DANGEROUS Movement in the World Right Now'." Things are getting very iffy.
. Dot "Open Letter to US Legislators from Dr. Li-Meng Yan." China is systematically destroying the United States of America. The Left is fine with that.
. Dot "What the Great Reset Will Really Do to You." It will make freedom a thing of the past.
. Dot "H.R. 127: A New Bill in Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently." A major step in taking your freedoms away. A major step toward gun confiscation. A major step toward destroying America as you knew it. Biden and company are doing what we thought they would.
. Dot "The Anarchy on Our Streets Started in 2016, when the Democrats Renounced Democracy." So it is confirmed: Democrats have destroyed America.
. Dot "Obama's Coup Is Complete."

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Miscellaneous Image

(Received in an email September 1, 2024. Thanks, Michael.)

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Perhaps of Interest

Perhaps of Interest

Answering a Question

I was asked why I choose to vote for Donald Trump. Here is my answer.

I'm voting for Donald Trump (I actually filled out my ballot October 16th) because when he was president, he led the country into a great economy, where groceries and gas were affordable; where interest rates were low and unthreatening; where historic record low unemployment rates were achieved for blacks, Hispanics, women, and others; where the border was closed and millions of illegals were not streaming in; where ten to twenty million illegals were not overloading our schools, hospitals, police, and city budgets; where fentanyl was not flooding the country and taking hundreds of thousands of American lives each year; where we were drilling for oil and had achieved self-sufficiency with oil and energy production; where the law of the land was not perverted to attack political opponents and make paupers of them and/or send them to jail; where police were respected and supported; where there were not major wars going on around the world to consume our tax dollars by the billions; where the interest on the national debt did not exceed our country's spending for the military; where Iran was tottering on the edge of collapse; where Israel was not encouraged to stop fighting for its sovereignty; where the Abraham Accords were signed and the world was moving toward peace in the Middle East; where taxes were lower; where the United States was respected around the world; where China and Russia were not scheming together to take away America's position of power; where the president was not completely incompetent; where "America First" was the ruling philosophy; where DEI was not corrupting everything; where the Green New Deal was not embraced; where we were not as close to WWIII; and where the future looked much brighter for my children and grandchildren.

Smiley Face


Cheese Factory

Why Did Donald Trump open a cheese factory?

He wanted to make America Grate again.


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Letter Y Letter O Letter U
Letter D Letter O Letter N Letter T
Letter S Letter A Letter Y
(Photos: Fred Gielow)

Dot "A Few Questions"
Dot "A Few Words about Black Lives Matter"
Dot "A Few Words about Diversity"
Dot "A Few Words about Reparations"
Dot "A Few Words about White Privilege"
Dot "A Look at Global Warming"
Dot "A Look at Islam"
Dot "Airport Security"
Dot "Al Gore's Big Announcement"
Dot "Alex in Wonderland"
Dot "Another Presidential Candidate"
Dot "Banned Words"
Dot "Covid-19 -- Some contrary information"
Dot "First Day of Kindergarten"
Dot "Happy Birthday, Dad"
Dot "Hate"
Dot "Hillary, Was That You?"
Dot "I Used to Think . . ."
Dot "I'd Like to Know"
Dot "Internet Scam"
Dot "It's Time"
Dot "Janet and Jack"
Dot "Managed Spontaneity"
Dot "Marriage and Family"
Dot "Murder Investigation"
Dot "Of Course You're a Racist"
Dot "Passing Moments -- A couple of poems"
Dot "Presidential IQ Test"
Dot "She Was so Beautiful"
Dot "The Beehive"
Dot "The Big Experiment"
Dot "The Day America Died"
Dot "The Despicables Museum"
Dot "The Plan"
Dot "The Racism Hoax"
Dot "The Shepherd and the Beggar"
Dot "The Social Scene"
Dot "The Story of Christine"
Dot "To Bring This Fine President Down"
Dot "Two Irrefutable Facts"
Dot "Updated Nursery Rhymes"
Dot "What Leftists Want"
Dot "What's Marriage?"
Dot "What's the Score?"

Dot "7 Videos." (November 2022.)
Dot "A Brief Fireside Chat." (March 2023.)
Dot "A Few Days in Iceland." (September 2015.)
Dot "Africa on My Mind." (February 2023.)
Dot "A Lake Called Michigan." (July 2018.)
Dot "Amazing Photos." (January 2022.)
Dot "Animals Are Wild." (August 2019.)
Dot "Art." (June 2019.)
Dot "A Song to Sing Ya." (February 2023.)
Dot "Beauty in Black and White." (August 2020.)
Dot "Beauty in the World." (November 2013.)
Dot "Beauty to Behold -- Animals." (September 2018.)
Dot "Beauty to Behold -- Man-Made Things." (October 2018.)
Dot "Beauty to Behold -- Nature." (October 2018.)
Dot "Beauty to Behold -- People." (October 2018.)
Dot "Cars." (October 2020.)
Dot "Changes." (July 2021.)
Dot "Circles." (May 2013.)
Dot "Columbus Found the World Is Round." (September 2023.)
Dot "Crappy Days." (March 2021.)
Dot "Crazy." (August 2022.)
Dot "Cultural Marxism." (May 2021.)
Dot "Did You Know? Part 1." (March 2022.)
Dot "Did You Know? Part 2." (March 2022.)
Dot "Do Tell - Covid19." (April 2023.)
Dot "Dogs." (February 2019.)
Dot "Equity." (April 2023.)
Dot "Evolution Again." (March 2014.)
Dot "Exceptional." (April 2017.)
Dot "Expressions
." (June, 2021)
Dot "Funny." (June 2023.)
Dot "Global Warming -- Some Points to Ponder
." (June, 2021)
Dot "Hobbies." (May 2020.)
Dot "Ho Ho Ho." (December 2020.)
Dot "How Many?" (May 2020.)
Dot "I Never Thought that I Would See . . .." (June 2024.)
Dot "I Think that I Shall Never See . . .." (February 2024.)
Dot "If a Child Is Told . . ." (November 2023.)
Dot "Is the Fat Lady about to Sing?" (July, 2020)
Dot "It Had to Be You." (September 2017.)
Dot "I've Grown Accustomed to Your Face." (June, 2021)
Dot "Joe Biden and Donald Trump Talk." (November 2023.)
Dot "Learn to Sing." (August 2018.)
Dot "Leftists." (November 2018.)
Dot "Look Again." (October 2014.)
Dot "Love." (May 2020.)
Dot "More than One." (January, 2023)
Dot "Men and Women." (May 2023.)
Dot "Music Awards for Singers." (September 2023.)
Dot "My Blue Sweater." (March 2023.)
Dot "Numbers." (February 2022.)
Dot "Occupations." (July 2021.)
Dot "Oh, Africa." (February 2019.)
Dot "Oh, Daddy." (November 2022.)
Dot "Oil." (March 2023.)
Dot "Old Hack Joe." (December 2023.)
Dot "Old Photographs." (August 2021.)
Dot "People Who Lie." (June 2023.)
Dot "Photoshopped." (January 2021.)
Dot "Pictures to Ponder." (September 2020.)
Dot "Predictions." (January 2021.)
Dot "Questions." (June 2021.)
Dot "Quintessential Quotations." (December 2023.)
Dot "Sing a Silly Song." (January, 2023)
Dot "So, Live It Well!" (July 2015.)
Dot "Special Places." (May 2020.)
Dot "Street Art." (July 2020.)
Dot "Tales of Famous People." (May 2023.)
Dot "That Old Quartet." (January 2021.)
Dot "The Amazing Human Being." (April 2021.)
Dot "The Lyin' King." (July 2024.)
Dot "The Night before Christmas." (December 2023.)
Dot "The Red, White, and Blue." (February 2023.)
Dot "The Greatest Gift." (August 2017.)
Dot "The Universe." (April 2024.)
Dot "The Wisdom of Kamala Harris." (July 2024.)
Dot "The World Association of Animated Things." (October 2023.)
Dot "Then and Now." (May 2015.)
Dot "Three Cheers to the Comics." (November 2023.)
Dot "To Africa with Love." (September 2014.)
Dot "To Be or Not to Be? Illustrated." (August 2024.)
Dot "Tomorrow." (September 2022.)
Dot "Uninteresting Things." (January 2022.)
Dot "What Does Joe Biden Do for Fun?"
Dot "When Is a Man a Woman?" (May 2023.)
Dot "Where Have We Been Led?" (February 2014.)
Dot "Who Are You?" (March 2021.)
Dot "Who's in the News?" (March 2024.)
Dot "Why We Say Things." (June 2024.)


Dot "Enjoy the Moment" (Lyrics.)
Dot "I'm Thankful" (Lyrics.) Sung to "There's the Door," by Jason Silver. This is a new recording (2-16-24) of the song I first recorded in 2014.
Dot "Just with a Smile," (Lyrics) Sung to "Ready," by Phil Garrod and Scot Schreer.
Dot "The William Tell Overture on a Drunken Saturday Afternoon
." (I must offer my apologies to Gioachino Rossini for trampling on his overture, and my thanks to Claudine Gay for the example she set.)
Dot "What Would Be Better than Christmas?" (Lyrics, 2022.)
Dot "
What Will Tomorrow Bring?" (Lyrics. 2022.)

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Some of My Travel

. . .Dot 1955 Trip to Europe.
. . .Dot 1982: Africa Safari

. . .Dot 1988: Adventure in Peru
. . .Dot 1992: Destinations Down
. . . . Under
. . .Dot 1994: The Great Africa Safari
. . . . Adventure

. . .Dot 1996: Africa Adventure
. . .Dot 1998: Africa Adventure
. . .Dot 2001: The Great Amazon
. . . . Adventure

. . .Dot 2002: A Trip to Costa Rica
. . .Dot 2003: Going Ape in Uganda
. . .Dot 2004: Under Africa's Spell
. . .Dot 2005: A Taste of Tanzania
. . .Dot 2006: Africa Safari
. . .Dot 2013: Another Glimpse of
. . . . Africa
. . .Dot 2014: To Africa, with Love.
. . .Dot 2015: A Few Days in Iceland.
. . .Dot Favorite Africa Photos
. . .Dot Travel Memories
. . .Dot Travel Tales

Wild, Wild Shoes & Boots
. . .Dot What Shoes to Wear
. . .Dot Wild, Wild Shoes & Boots
. . .Dot Wild, Wild Shoes & Boots II
. . .Dot Wild, Wild Shoes & Boots III
. . .Dot Wild, Wild Shoes & Boots IV
. . .Dot Wild, Wild Shoes & Boots V
. . .Dot Shoes & Boots -- A
. . . . Collection

A Sampling of My Son Bob's Writings

. . .Dot "Retirement Speech"
. . .Dot "New Employee Welcome"
. . .Dot "A Loaf of Wheat Bread's
. . . . .Dream-Life Is Thwarted by
. . . . . Matzo"
. . .Dot "From Spam" (About one third
. . . . .down the page.)
. . .Dot "Heaven's Application"
. . .Dot "The Bus"
. . .Dot "Man Released"
. . .Dot "Dearly Departed"
. . .Dot "Beefcake Factory: April 2020
. . . . .Covid Message to Patrons"
. . .Dot "Free Fiction: Death Job
. . . . .Cover Letter"
. . .Dot "Obit"
. . .Dot "Dear Diary"
. . .Dot "Cache Work"
. . .Dot "It Must Be 5:30 Again"
. . .Dot "Just Hanging on"
. . .Dot "Letter of Acceptance"
. . .Dot "Lottery Winners"
. . .Dot "Ratzass: Unreleased Press
. . . . .Release"
. . .Dot "Some Texting"
. . .Dot "Sparked"
. . .Dot "Taped to Our Door"
. . .Dot "The Culling"

My Son Tim's Spoof

. . .Dot "Take This Swab and Stuff
. . . . .It"

My Son Tim's Travels
. . .Dot 1985: Tokyo, Hong Kong
. . .Dot 1988: Galapagos
. . .Dot 1990: Africa

My Brother Jim's Travels
. . .Dot Observations on an
. . . . .Adventure to Amazonas

My Parents' Travels
. . .Dot Europe -- 1956

Radio Garden.

Dot Lightning Maps.
Dot Patatap.
(Press any alphabet key.)

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Recent visitors.
Visitor details.

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You Don't Say -- Website Information
This website, copyrighted 1999 through 2024 by Fred Gielow, is updated periodically, usually about once every two weeks.

To contact Fred Gielow, please send an email to:

Website Registration
Network Solutions: 800-333-7680.

Website Hosting
Applied Innovations: 866-706-8691.

Background and other graphics used on this website have been found on the Internet and are considered to be in the public domain. Please notify Fred Gielow immediately if there are any copyright concerns. Thank you.

Fred and friend
Fred and friend.
(Fred is on the right.)

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